Stream-TV's M3U supported format


Stream-TV's M3U supported format

Stream-TV uses an M3U file in order to fetch a list of TV / Radio Channels.

this list (or playlist) is then fetched, saved to the apple-tv (1.7 onwards it saves it to iCloud), and then it populates the channels in the "Channel Browser".

the M3U file contains (or may contain): Channel Name, Channel Category, Channel Description, Channel Logo, Channel stream URL.

the stream URL is a must and without it there is no sense for that entry.

there are many M3U formats out there, i will try to support most of them to make the app experience as pleasant as possible.

here are the current supported formats:

first make sure the M3U file that you entered as a link is valid (v1.5 - v1.7 supports 2 types of m3u file formats:

1). double lines with attributes, meaning - first line starting with #EXTINF: contains metadata about the channel, second line contains the channel stream url, empty lines are ignored, lines starting with # are ignored.

#EXTINF:[ChannelNumber] logo="[LogoURL]" channel-id="[ChannelID]" epg-id="[ChannelEPGID]" group-title="[ChannelGroupName]" tvg-logo="[ChannelLogo]",[ChannelName]

#EXTINF:26 logo="" channel-id="26" epg-id="26" group-title="Israel" tvg-logo="BigBrother.png",Big Brother

2). The second format is double liner that looks exactly the same but without attributes (e.g. tvg-logo, epg-id, group-title, etc), second line contains Channel stream URL, empty lines are ignored, lines starting with # are ignored.

#EXTINF:[ChannelNumber] free text

#EXTINF:26 Big Brother

the format that the Stream-TV will support in the near future will expand to more m3u formats, Xml, etc.

if you encounter a m3u playlist format that you are not able to load into Stream-TV, simply open a bug and it will be included in the near versions, please make sure to open the bug at the support forum: Open new Bug report here

this post will be edited from time to time to reflect updated supported formats.


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