Stream-TV 1.8 - Major Changes (coming in Jun)


Stream-TV 1.8 - Major Changes (coming in Jun)

Stream-TV receives a major update with several changes in interface and theming abilities, extra features which turns Stream-TV into a beginner level media center with search capabilities, radio and music tabs, local network integration import export and some bug fix, here is the list:

New Features:
  • "Notifications instead of Progress" - ver 1.8 introduced progress indicator for setting actions as a blocking mode modal (so you can't do any action until the setup is done), this minor change remove the progress indicator and replaces it with a notification that is visible in the upper right corner until the action is done, while allowing you to perform other actions - it will not allow you to perform actions that will interfere with the current setup action.
  • "Black Theme as Default" - until 1.8 the TV tab had a default of white background color and the Video tab had a black background default color, from 1.8 both tabs get the black background color as a default
  • "Remote Shake To Replay" - increased time the logo of the remote display on screen after shake remote to replay occur, from 1.4 seconds to 2.9 seconds
  • "Last Browsed Channel" - the "Channel Browser" always save the last channel you watched when exiting the Channel Browser, now it will save the last channel you played the second it starts playing the channel
  • "Default Search Term" - while searching a new logo for a channel the default search term until today was empty and you should have write what to search, from 1.8 the default search term is the channel name
  • "BBCodes Clear" - ver 1.8 will clear all BBCodes from the supplied EXTInfo providers, (BBCodes of the form: [Color white] [/COLOR] [B] [/B] ...
  • "More Providers" - M3U providers without all the attribute at the first line will be parsed successfully, also supported providers using coma (,) or space as delimiter
  • "Error Video-Loop" - while browsing channels in the Channel Browser, if an Invalid URL error occur, then a video loop is displayed notifying you about the error
  • "VLC Only Message" - in the Channel Browser there is now a message alerting you that this type of video cannot be viewed in the preview window and can only be played by a VLC player from TV tab
  • "UTF8 URLs" - made sure that foreign characters in supplied URL are supported (for providers, images, video streams, search terms etc.)
  • "Name your Collection" - 1.8 introduces collection naming, a label appear above each channels / movies collection that you can set from the Options menu, the label is optional and by default empty, if you wish to set it, simply stand on one of your channel icons long press it and click on the "Rename Collection" option, then enter the name you want and click OK, the label will appear in the appropriate tab (TV or Videos) above the collection you used
  • "Backup to File" - Backup all your settings into a JSON format file, you can export the file to SMB local network share, the backup includes ExtInfo/M3U providers, channel set in the TV tab and Video Tab, last entered textfield values, collection names, TopShelf setup etc.
  • ״Restore from File" - Restore all settings of Stream-TV, the settings should be in a JSON format file (exported from "Backup to File" option), the file should be on a share drive from a computer on your local network (supporting SMB, xSMB, Samba for windows, OS X and linux machines), the restore option will delete all content and restore the backup settings on the file (iCloud data will not change and will not be deleted), you can also restore into a newly downloaded copy of stream-tv, or on a new installed apple tv. 
  • "Restore from URL" - now you can restore all setup from a JSON file, simply goto Settings -> Restore from File -> enter the file URL (the file URL can be from a dropbox file share URL or from google drive and alike) and press OK, and all your settings will be restored, this includes: collection titles, tabs background color, channels in each collection (with set name, logo, url in the same order), top shelf size, which collection should appear on the top shelf, providers urls, etc.
  • "Tab Bar Customization" - in the settings menu there are now more theming options, the tab bar can be customized, you can decide which tab will appear on the app (for instance if you decide to hide video tab), you can also decide to show tabs as text or icons or both, and control the tab bar background color (semi transparent, or solid color)
  • "Settings Icons" - several icons in the settings tab has been changed (background color icons, and top shelf size...)
  • "Transparent TabBar" - Tabbar is transparent by default, and in a cover over the screen (autohide) behavior
  • "More Tabs Added" - Radio, Music and Serach tabs were added, the radio tab will behave like the tv tab but the channel browser will display only the radio channels (in M3U file the stream appears as isRadio="true"), Music is for local network mp3 and audio files, search allows to find a stream or channels based on their name
  • "Background Image" - in the settings tab you can select a background image to decorate the content tabs (Tv, Video, Radio, Music), there are several background images to choose from, in order to remove the image and go back to background color, simply select a background color in any one of the tabs and the background image setup will be erased
  • "Search Tab" - Search tab is now available from the main tab bar, at first it is loaded with all of your streams from TV, Video, Radio and Music tabs, when you start entering letters into the search keyboard - the stream icons are filtered and you can start watching by pressing the stream icon, the other options are not available on this tab (edit stream, add new stream...)
  • "Radio Tab with Channel Browser" - the Radio tab has a channel browser that shows only radio channels (if they are marked as isRadio="true" in the providers m3u file)

Bug Fixed:
  • "Last Browsed Channel" - the "Channel Browser" always save the last channel you watched and when you come back to it it will scroll to that channel, but if you try to display "Channel Browser" before the download from iCloud finishes - then the last channel saved is reset to the first channel - fixed.
  • "Edit Providers Button" - in settings tab the "Edit Providers" button that cause the providers table to be editable does not change text when changing state from edit to finished edit - fixed
  • "Play first Twice" - when opening channel browser it played the channel it was supposed to, but then stopped and replay again (the whole process is very fast and takes about a second or two), this was fixed and now the first channel to be played on browser channel open plays once
  • "Channel Browser Scroll Problems" - while scrolling channels in channel browser the scroll would stop for a second sometimes to start playing a channel and only then continued scrolling (even from one channel to the other) - fixed
  • "Channel Browser Invalid URL" - if the channel browser has an invalid url channel, and you focus that channel in order to preview it, that would hang the whole app for at least 60 seconds, and you could have done nothing but restart it - fixed
  • "Channel Browser Wont Show Once" - when the app is loaded and you try to display the channel browser from the "Add New Channel" option menu, the Channel Browser will appear and immediately disappear, this will happen only once at the app load time - fixed
  • "Focus After Action" - after you perform an action (adding or deleting a stream / channel), the focus would jump to a random stream / channel, no it will remain next to the added or removed stream / channel
  • "iCloud private" - iCloud used a public database, that meant all users would read and write into the same table, so channels would be overwritten by other users, now the usage is in the private database, each user can use and see only his / hers own channels and setup

please check my youtube channel for new videos showcasing the new version, and the following screenshots:


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